Sorghum has long been the go-to crop for farmers during drought years. This year, even more farmers opted to grow this bronze and red grain. As of this week, 97% of sorghum crops are harvested with almost 25% acreage increase nationwide and good yields overall.
J.B. Stewart, National Sorghum Producer’s Chair, said his crop looked great, but after hail hit, his sorghum crop quickly dwindled to nothing. Despite this, Stewart is looking on the bright side.
“We’re coming off of an excellent crop nationwide,” Stewart said. He goes on to say that his wheat crop is also well-established and that there is always something to be thankful for, especially at Thanksgiving time.
“We can be thankful for a very good fall crop and good possibilities with our wheat crop.” He concludes by stating that “it won’t be a problem to find things to be thankful for this year.”
Watch the full story.
Via: Sorghum Acres Increase Nationwide | AGWEB.com.